Monday, March 10, 2008


"Wheelies: Under new management" from

Simon Walsh, founder of Wheelies Nightclub, announced Sunday that he was resigning his role as overall manager of Wheelies Nightclub. Wheelies Nightclub has been an important fixture in Second Life for many, one that Mr. Walsh has worked tirelessly to build.
Our very own, Polgara Paine has become the Director of Wheelies.
Ms. Paine has been active in Second Life since May 2005. She is a professor of special education at the School of Intervention Services at Bowling Green State University. During the transition, Wheelies will continue at a temporary location. Moving forward, Ms. Paine intends to establish a board of directors and to raise funds to make Wheelies sustainable on a long-term basis. The first fundraising event is scheduled to take place on March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day as part of a grand opening of their new space.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Tips for getting around

To have your students share locations they find in SL they can do it several different ways:

To save a location (called a landmark)
  1. Click on World in the main menu bar
  2. Click 'Create landmark here'
  3. A window will open showing the info of the landmark including it's name (at the top of the window). That landmark can be found under the landmarks folder in your inventory or found by typing the location name into the inventory search bar.

To create a list of landmarks:
  1. Open your inventory and click 'Create'
  2. Then select 'New note'
  3. A new notecard window will open. Drag the landmarks you would like to use in your list into the notecard. Textures, snapshots, and other notecards may also be dropped into a notecard.
  4. Finally, rename the notecard by right-clicking (or crtl/ cmd+click) on it in your inventory. Select rename.

To create a list of landmarks using the SLURL system (Second Life URL):
  1. Open the map by clicking on the map button on your toolbar.
  2. Click 'Save location to clipboard'. This SLURL may be pasted into a notecard (crtl/cmd+V) or entered into a document on your computer or in your internet browser (where you may then save to your bookmarked favorites or account).